Why Subscribe?

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If you are reading this, you already know why you are here.

Office politics is a battlefield. On the surface, it is pleasantries and positivity. But don’t let that fool you. Its a royal court - a social battlefield on which you can rise or fall very quickly.

The objective of the People’s Art of War is simple: to provide you with the strategy and tactics to survive that battlefield. I’ve been fortunate to be exposed to these battlefields over the last decade as a IT corporate consultant and soldier. I want to bring you closer to what works…and what doesn’t. My ultimate goal is to level the playing field.

Unlike most publications on office politics, you will get real and straight talk about what it takes - not just positivity posts to drive content.

Whether your goal is to rise, survive, or preserve your mental health, this is the place for you.

This is the People’s Art of War.

The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves. - Niccolo Machiavelli

What to Expect?

The People’s Art of War will offer insights on the strategy, tactics, and nature of office politics, from a military and consultant perspective.

Content will include a mix of essays, commentary, recommended books, and observations. The perspective is both historical and from my experiences.

The free email list will cover:

  • Strategy and Tactics. I will discuss common scenarios.

  • Historical Examples. I’m a history buff. I will discuss historical examples that can be applied to office

A full subscription with bonus features is coming soon.

Subscribe to People's Art of War

geopolitics, military, strategy, political philosophy


Legalist. Pan-Asianist. Ex-soldier, consultant, and sometime political strategist. @pplsartofwar